Back To School with Bitmoji

I swear to you dear reader, I am NOT a paid spokesperson for Bitmoji! In fact, they haven’t even answered, commented, acknowledged, or even liked ANY of my Tweets or Instagram where I’ve mentioned them.

I am just a total fangirl. A lonely little neglected ignored (by them!) fangirl. Wow, that sounded a little pathetic & needy. Truth hurts.

But here I am again sharing something NEW that Bitmoji has brought out that I think is pretty cool. They’ve created, just in time for Back to School, new Education themed cartoons. With these new graphics, you can make classroom door signs or add to your SMS Canvas messages or emails home!

You can download the Bitmoji and then add your name using PicMonkey.

But these are so cute, I thought they would be really fun for ….

So, grab and download them while you can! Why? Some Bitmoji’s go away. Not all of them, but usually seasonal and special topic ones. That’s why I’m glad I grabbed this while I could. Even though it has my old hair.

Geeky, I know. But I’m glad I got it!  And this….

Also, some of these are from when Bitmoji did not build in a transparent background. Some, I’ve had to tweak myself with Photoshop Elements. Yes. I am that much of a nerd. Movie related Bitmoji’s come and go.

So, when you see a super cute Book of Morman Bitmoji, or one that’s either seasonal, topical, meme-tastic, or time-sensitive grab it while you can! Because tomorrow? It could be gone.

OK, maybe the Zoolander one I didn’t need. But still….funny!

These Start Wars ones are still available, grab em while you can!

Easiest way to grab and save these? With the handy Chrome extension!

Like Bitmoji? There’s a Chrome Extension for That!

See this blog post for all the details. Click title above!  

Here’s a great example how my New Hampshire friend Andrew Tyler or @atylerlibrarian used them for his Computer Lab signage! 

Using Bitmoji I created for my teachers this year a GSuite preso to customize Teacher Classroom Door signs. Some of my cool teachers already had Bitmoji’s to add to it. When needed, I helped! Feel free to Copy and customize this for your peeps!

I hope this helps! Have a great school year!

LOL OK, that might just be a bit much. My Dad uses that ALL the time! 

He cracks me up, I’m still tickled that my 70 something parents have and use Bitmoji’s! 

But then again, both my parents do like to use their technology. And I can take NO credit for it! Between classes at the Apple store and just being dang determined and smart,  classes they’ve taught themselves all their tech skills. But it does  make me proud of them! I also say sometimes to my staff who are as “experienced” as I am or closer to my parents age, if they can, you can!

Your Turn! 
What’s your favorite Bitmoji? Do you use them in your classroom? Any suggestions I missed?

Related Posts:

Like Bitmoji? There’s a Chrome Extension for That! – The Daring …

Got Bitmoji? – The Daring Librarian

Smiling About Bitmoji Books – The Daring Librarian

5 Fab Ways to Animate Your EduLife! – The Daring Librarian

See? That’s a lot of posts for Bitmoji to ignore. GAH! I should really just give up trying to impress them. I’ve never been one to pine or to believe in unrequited love. When I was out there dating, I was always like, buh bye!….Wait. That’s a bit TMI!

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